The Anti-Theocracy Manifesto

I most certainly cast aspersions at “people of faith” when they go way beyond even acceptable levels of aggressive faux piety and evangelical delusion to cross the line and force their religion on public institutions in the United States, which should be secular. Nowadays evangelicals of the extremist variety have reached appallingly high levels of assholeness and arrogant certainty in their quest for a theocratic dominion over all of America.

I’m an atheist and completely indifferent to all religious beliefs. I don’t spend even a millisecond contemplating spiritual beliefs, especially your nutso and deluded interpretations of a book I rejected when I was seven years old. So, trying to force these beliefs on what I think are secular public institutions is an abomination. Moreover, their delusional belief they stand on higher moral ground is ridiculous and completely false, and, frankly, the most insane aspect of their delusion; they are not better human beings because of their faith. They only imagine they are with absolute certainty, which makes them dangerous.

I honestly believe the Enlightenment, now reaching 400 years of its influence on human consciousness, has affected some human brains to evolve and become immune to religious irrationality. I was lucky to be a member of this new human leap forward. Sorry if this seems arrogant and harsh—I assure you it’s not; it’s just an objective truth that I’m incapable of embracing superstition and faith in things that do not exist and never have. Religious belief and religious institutions sprung out of the fearful, ignorant, and irrational minds of our barbaric and less-evolved human selves, who created gods and religion to explain the universe around them that, without science and reason, often terrified and confused them. It was in this intellectual void that gods were created. The intellectual freedom to not think like this is exhilarating! Scientific method and reason are human constructs that led us out of darkness. Morality is a combination of empathy, altruism, and common sense; we must get along to achieve peace and be good to each other because it’s in our best interest. Religion often contradicted these simple humanist concepts.

I don’t care if people have religious faith, in fact as a soldier I swore to defend with my life this Constitutional right, but please stop trying to force your delusions on those who don’t agree with them. I’m not forcing my beliefs on anyone—in fact I find that appalling. People need to find their own path, and however they wish to think or feel or believe is their right, no matter how nutty it can become in my view. If it’s not mine, fine, but don’t tread on me with your silliness. I will never believe what you believe, nor will I ever think you are better for this faith you have in what I don’t think exists with a shred of proof after thousands of years of all the sermonizing and dogma created to sway humanity to these beliefs. I categorically reject it all. Moreover, I am not the least afraid to declare this publicly. Does this make me a better person? No. Does it make me a jerk? Maybe. Does it make me wrong? Doubtful.


Read this from the Guardian UK.

Its headline:

‘Really scary’: rightwing watchlist found of mostly Black federal health workers;
Federal workers alarmed at Heritage Foundation-backed watchdog’s list of civil servants in health equity roles

But of course. These ultra-white-wing fanatics are white supremacists. They’re not even hiding it or using dog whistles any more. MAGA doesn’t really hate DEI, per se; It hates black people, more to the point black people in positions of power and authority in our federal government. DEI to them is code word for n****. They use DEI hate to “prove” every black employee in our Federal bureaucracy was hired and promoted not for their ability, but because of their color. Jim Crow, meet Elon Musk.

Musk and his merry band of little Nazi pukes are enacting a simple agenda, Making America Run by Whitey Again. Let’s call it MARBWA. Of course it’s being headlined by a white South African who comes from a resolutely and unapologetically racist family back there. There’s more to it, of course. Gutting our Federal bureaucracy will of course make hundreds of billions–trillions–available to steal. Just like Putin and his oligarch pals, after the fall of Yeltsin, stole Russian natural resources and enriched themselves like Julius Caesar gutting Gaul to become, like Caesar and his adopted son Augustus, some of the most fabulously wealthy human beings in history holding all the power over a helpless and subservient people. Except this time the American people voted for their own subservience and subjugation.

Moreover, cutting all federal regulations and the agencies that enforce them–which Musk has clearly stated he is doing–means the oligarchs can run wild with no labor, environmental, and occupational safety regulatory overwatch. They are also gutting federal law enforcement agencies that protect the people from rapacious corporations and oligarchs. Then they can fuck their employees every which way they want, pollute our communities with impunity, and steal everything not bolted down from the American people, all while hiding out, free from prosecution, and far from the aftereffects on the streets of America in their secret billionaire lairs.

Am I wrong? How many of you actually READ Project 2025 when it was publicly available last summer? The playbook was out there. Did you think these maniacs were kidding?

A World of Shit Awaits

Dexter Filkins in The New Yorker presents an alarming report on the state of our military and its inability to recruit sufficient young people to keep our military strong and ready. Kids don’t want to serve their country any more, and why not after two wasteful wars that led to nothing except death, horrible mutilation, and deep psychological distress for so many patriotic young people who were thrown into the wars.

Our great victories against Nazi Germany and warmongering Imperial Japan gave our military great esteem as conquering heroes, men like my Dad and Uncle Don Scheck. Then in wasteful wars in Korea, Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, we squandered the goodness of our cause with horrible civilian and military leadership in conducting these wars badly and without any real strategy for victory, which led to zero gain for our national security, let alone victory, and which killed tens of thousands of good young people and destroyed so many who survived. Korea was a tie at best, and we lost the wars in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. LOST. Men and women served honorably, of course, and there were many heroes, but our leaders were war criminals and villains who tainted the great honor our military earned in World War II.

And here we are. We face serious threats from Russia and China, both of whom have nefarious imperial ambitions against our allies in Europe and Taiwan. And our military, once designed to be able to fight and win one great war while also waging a second to at least a standstill, at least until we can rally the American like we did in WW II to unite the country to do what it takes to win the second, is now weakened and undermanned.

Our enemies know this. We face a world of shit.

The MAGA Shitzkreig Begins

Our Supreme Dictator, Generalissimo Cheetoface von Fuckwitz Mussolini

The American people voted to destroy their own democracy. Don’t you just love the USA any more? Generalissimo Cheetoface von Fuckwitz Mussolini and his insane minions have no idea what the net effect of Project 2025, now being implemented, will be on the country, nor do they care. Fanatics never really fully comprehend what their actions will yield. In their insane devotion to their absolute certainly about their “cause,” they can only proceed with deluded myopia and clumsy indifference to what happens afterwards. Good, bad, whatever, they will get their way. And of course millions will pay for this insanity. The American people will be the willing victims like dogs who beg to get beaten by their master.

The MAGA cult is hellbent on their nihilism and revenge against the “liberal order,” and, oh well, give the people what they voted for so stupidly. It’s not going to end well, but it never does. Remember George W. Bush and his wars in Afghanistan and Iraq? Both cost thousands of lives and hundreds of billions of US taxpayer money, with the end result affecting nothing differently than when these useless wars began. Again, the American people overwhelmingly and enthusiastically cheered on that madness.

Like our 20-some years of endless wars, whatever hellscape the MAGA freaks force upon the USA with their Project 2025 agenda will of course, no matter how horrible, be reversible when it’s over and they are rudely ejected from power, no matter how hard that will be, and it will be hard. Obama inherited economic Armageddon in 2009 and it got fixed. Biden was inaugurated in 2021 during the ravages of Cheetoface’s ridiculously inept handling of the Covid crisis, and within three years Biden got our public health and economy humming, and things were back to normal. The grownups always come back after Republican incompetence and fix things. It’s a cycle played over and over again in the USA.

I say, give the people what they asked for with MAGA and it’s insanity, no matter how abjectly stupid most people are these days. They are like petulant children any more, ignorant and delusional, lacking even rudimentary critical thinking skills, and many are blinded by religious devotion to the worst version of Christianity. Or they are unapologetic racists, homophobes, and, to be honest, just plain assholes. Oh well.

But here we go. Buckle up, America. It’s going to be crazy for a while.